

Team Beamspirit is the winner, with their reinvention of OTP's WebTool. Not one for originality, perhaps, this was a project begging to be executed. But the quality, style, architecture, and elegant use of WebSockets make this entry a shoe-in for the top spot. The team's next challenge will be how to split the Grand Prize - an IPad - in four, but perhaps the $500 from O'Reilly can help even things out? Congratulations to Richard, Hunter, Paul and Steven for an excellent job! —Ulf Wiger

The Prize: an iPad2 from VMWare / RabbitMQ and $500 in O'Reilly books


Weedit was one of the most impressive projects that we saw. It had a nice user interface and is basically a standalone consumer product for distributed real-time text editing. If it wasn't for technical problems this could've had a shot at the grand prize! Hopefully the Inaka team will find some inspiration to wrap up the loose ends on this one with their ticket to Erlang Factory. —Bob Ippolito

The Prize: Erlang Factory ticket, courtesy of Erlang Solutions, Ltd.


The lack of a map datastructure literal in Erlang is often seen as a stumbling block for newcomers to the language. This project showed that Anton is thinking seriously about this issue. We hope that he will use his prize (a ticket to Erlang Factory) as an opportunity to discuss related potential language improvements with the core Erlang community. —Justin Sheehy

The Prize: Erlang Factory ticket, courtesy of Erlang Solutions, Ltd.

Don't Cross the BEAMs/Rakna

Cudos to Bradford for figuring out that the way to win prizes is to include some component written by each of the judges. Well, he couldn't figure out what Robert had contributed - he invented Erlang, Brad! Anyway, he earns a cowboy hat for the sheer nerve of admitting how much he was sucking up to the judges. Besides that, Rakna seems like a great way to use the exciting new LevelDB. We give Brad a training course, hoping that he will keep honing his skills and contribute more great stuff to the community. —Ulf Wiger

The Prize: Training Course and a cowboy hat

.beam me up/twilio

Ryan did a fantastic job with his Twilio web telephony client for Erlang. It's not often that I've had to dial-in or send a SMS to a project to give it a try, but not only did everything work as advertised it also had great examples and very high test coverage. I hope Ryan enjoys his case of Malbec wine from Argentina, and drunk dials his software responsibly. And Ryan, if you need help making that case disappear, let me know :) —Bob Ippolito

The Prize: A case of Malbec wine directly from Argentina, or a cash equivalent ($200)

Siberian Fast Food/alogger

Given Erlang's focus on distribution we thought it natural to give a prize to the best project by a distributed team. The documentation for alogger was top notch and the project seems like it is well thought out and quite useful. We hope that Siberian Fast Food will make use of their Lifetime Gold memberships at IRC Cloud to keep collaborating in the future. Also, nothing helps keep a team together like a cowboy hat for each member! —Bob Ippolito

The Prize: IRCCloud Lifetime Gold Accounts, 4 cowboy hats


Qrly, a CSS selector-like query engine for XML and HTML, is an exceptionally useful utility in any web developer's toolchain. Mariano can spread the word about his new library and Erlang in style with his new Erlang Solutions backpack and printed copy of OTP In Action. —Bob Ippolito

The Prize: Erlang backpack and a printed copy of Erlang and OTP in Action

Have Backpack/erlfix

Perennial globe trotter Daniel Luna receives a backpack for his collection and a cowboy hat, not least for the riveting diary describing his fight against the clock in the 48-hour contest. We hope his deeds will inspire future contestants to write their own diaries. His Erlfix entry shows promise and may well find its way into some financial applications later on. Whether his being temporarily distracted by the dance floor in mid-competition had a positive or negative effect on the end result, we may never know, but clearly Mr. Luna was inspired. —Ulf Wiger

The Prize: Erlang backpack and a cowboy hat


This was a fun little game to play, involving visual interaction and multi-person networked play. There was quite a bit packed in here. Jesse can read his ebook copy of Erlang and OTP in Action while wearing a Dev:Extend cowboy hat. —Justin Sheehy

The Prize: Erlang and OTP in Action ebook and a cowboy hat

Jesus don't want me for a sunBEAM/babelstat

We always need more statistics and babelstat gives us another way of keep track of the figures over time. Now it will be easier to compare and work with them. The 'Erlang and OTP in Action book' will help the "Jesus don't want me a sunBEAM" team make it even better. —Robert Virding

The Prize: Erlang and OTP in Action ebook


With this hotline client the jwheare team has now made a new and better way to chat and spread information with the Hotline community. As Erlang is made for communication this is the way to go. With the "Erlang and OTP in Action' book we are counting on jwheare to help spread the word. —Robert Virding

The Prize: Erlang and OTP in Action ebook

Team Cascading Failure/Scatterbrain

Scott and Josh had a really ambitious project with scatterbrain and I am impressed that they got as far as they did. I hope that with a little encouragement and in the shade of their cowboy hats they continue the work. —Robert Virding

The Prize: Two Cowboy hats


Erlspike is a program that definitely appeals to my sense of humour and I want to see more. I had planned to use it to generate comments for the awards, but there are limits on what you can do. Even for a judge. Loris, wear the cowboy hat in the right spirit and give us more. —Robert Virding

The Prize: Cowboy hat

Duomark/Eleven, Twelve, Dig and Delve (ETDD)

We never seem to get enough of code analysis tools, and Jay is on a mission to give us another one. His ETDD ('Elven, Twelve, Dig and Delve' - perhaps we should also have had a naming prize…) looks to become a great tool for digging out different types of data on Erlang code, structure, style and characteristics. With his cowboy hat, Jay will be perfectly equipped for this adventure. —Ulf Wiger

The Prize: Cowboy hat


Spawnfest wasn't an obfuscated code contest, so we were a bit surprised by this entry. It was a fun bit of work on something entirely outside our expectations. We hope that Hasan will wear his Dev:Extend cowboy hat in the spirit that we give it to him. —Justin Sheehy

The Prize: Cowboy Hat

→ July 9-10, 2011

First Edition Winner:

The BigWig Project